Singapore Mrt Project
Project C705 - Removal of TBM Bearing unit within Tunnel
Adjustment of TBM Main Bearing
Tilting of TBM Main Bearing
Project C503 - Assembly of LOVAT TBM
Lowering of TBM Main Bearing
Lowering of TBM Middle Shield
Project T-02 - Assembly of NKK TBM
Assembly of TBM Cutter Motor
Assembly of TBM Front and Middle Shield
Project C-853 - Assembly of Kawasaki TBM
Lowering of TBM Main Bearing
Assembly of TBM Main Bearing to Middle Shield
Fabrication of Support Structure for removal of EPB Screw
Removed Front Body tandem lifted to be placed flat for escorting to reassembly site
Removal and hoisting of Shield Jack towards surface
Removal of Screw from TBM, tilted as screw's length is longer than Tunnel diameter
Pre-installation of Front Body Assembly components such as Shield Jack and Cutter Motor before lowing Front Body into Tunnel
Front Body tandem lifted to be lowered into Tunnel
Lowering of Middle Body into Tunnel, to be connected with Front Body
Placement and adjustment of TBM Screw towards and within TBM Body
Tandem Lifting Operation to Tilt TBM Body
Lowering of TBM Cutter Head
TBM Cutter Head lowered precisely onto TBM Front for assembly
Installation of TBM Cutter Motor Units
Installation of TBM Erector Unit onto Middle Body Assembly
Fabrication of Pulling Bracket according to P.E.'s specification
Installation of Pressure Hose for TBM operation
Installation of Slurry Pipes for slurry removal process
TBM Front Body Section ready to be hoisted
Front Body Section lowered to attach onto Front Body Assembly on Support Cradle
Lowering Middle Body onto Support Cradle in Tunnel
Sliding/Pulling of TBM along TBM Support Cradle
Installation of Shield Jacks onto Middle Body in Tunnel
Lowering and Installation of Cutter Head towards Front Body on Support Cradle
Lifting of Back Up Car using Chain Blocks to be loaded onto Flat Car for removal
Cutting of Screw Conveyor
Removal of Shield Jack units
Removal of Cutter Motor totaling of 6 Units
Removal of Man Lock
Removal of Main Bearing
Removal of Gripper
Last Trimming Works on TBM body before handing over
Square TBM Body per-assembled below lowering into Tunnel
TBM Body welded with customized Jacking Bracket for Maneuvering with Rollers
Jacking up TBM for re-positioning of Rollers and Track for change in traverse direction
Installation of TBM Shield Jacks and other TBM components